Your search returned 3 results.

Handbook of tunnel engineering 1 : Structures and methods

by Bernhard, Maidl | Markus, Thewes | Ulrich, Maidl .

Publication: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Germany : 2013Description: 454 P : Couv ill, tabls, schémas, images ; 24 CmAvailability: Items available for loan: مكتبة العلوم والتكنولوجياCall number: GEN/009/4/13/001 (2).

Handbook of tunnel engineering : Basics and additional services for design and construction

by Bernhard, Maidl | Markus, Thewes | Ulrich, Maidl .

Publication: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Germany : 2014Description: 428 P : Couv ill, tabls, schémas, images ; 24 CmAvailability: Items available for loan: مكتبة العلوم والتكنولوجياCall number: GEN/009/5/15/001 (2).

Recommendations for design and analysis of earh structures using geosynthetic reinforcements-EBGEO

by Huesker-Engineering .

Publication: Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Germany : 2011Description: 311 P : Couv ill, Tabls, schémas ; 22 CmAvailability: Items available for loan: مكتبة العلوم والتكنولوجياCall number: GEN/007/4/07/001 (2).
