Your search returned 17 results.

L'échec scolaire des éleves du primaire dans la langue française

by Souaimia wafa | Saaidia bachir .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/2/11/001 (2).

L'enseignement de la lecture aux élève du primaire

by Saaidia bachir | Hamza fares .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/3/08/001 (2).

Les problèmes d'orthographe dans la dictée chez les élèves de 1ère A,M

by Saaidia bachir | Hamza fares .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/3/10/001 (2).

Les difficultés d'apprentissage chez les enfants du primaire dans le F,L,E à l'oral

by Saaidia bachir | Sahtout, Sofiene .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/4/02/001 (2).


by Saaidia bachir | sellah Mahmmed, Ilyas .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/4/04/001 (1).

Comment réussir à l'oral cas d'étude 1ère AS

by Saaidia bachir | Ben rahmoun, Lilya | Belfadel, Rahma .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEM/001/5/08/001 (1).

L’apport de la lecture dans la production de l’écrit (cas des éléves de 4éme année moyenne)

by Saaidia bachir | Bouamrane, Abdallah .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MMS/001/3/04/001 (1).

La réécriture,un parcours pour apprendre à écrire cas des apprenants de 4éme année moyenne

by Saaidia bachir | Choukal leila .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MMS/001/3/09/001 (1).

L’impact du transfert linguistique sur la qualité des production écrites cas des apprenants de3éme année secondaire

by Saaidia bachir | Zarrougui, Asma .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MMS/001/4/03/001 (1).

le role de la communication non verbale dans la compréhension du discours oral de l'enseignant : cas des apprentants de la troisiième année primaire

by Saaidia bachir | Allague, Rahma .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MMS/002/3/01/001 (1).

L'impact de la didactisation des document authentiques dans l'enseignement/apprentissege de la production écrite : cas des apprenants de deuxiéme année moyenne

by Saaidia bachir | Soualhia, Meriem .

Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MMS/002/5/03/001 (1).

Strategie for Reflective Teaching of Foreign Language Receptive Skills Implementation Though the Competency Based Approach : case of High School Teachers of English in Souk-Ahras

by Thelaidjia, Rahma | Saaidia, Bachir .

Publication: 2022Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEG/001/2/12/001 (1).

Applying Multiple Intelligence Theory in Teaching EFL for Improving Students' Writing Skills : The Case of Second Year LMD students at University of Souk-Ahras

by Saaidia, Bachir | Khalfallah, Ghadha .

Publication: 2022Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEG/001/2/18/001 (1).

Corrective Feedback Practices of English as a Foreign Language Teachers and their Effect on Learners'Improvement in Writing

by Saaidia, Bachir | ALOUI, Khaoula .

Publication: 2021Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEG/001/1/06/001 (1).

The Use of Portfolios in english Teaching Devlopment : case study of Master Teachers of English at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University of Souk-Ahras

by Saaidia, Bachir | BOUMAZA, Oussama .

Publication: 2021Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEG/001/1/10/001 (1).

The Impact of Anxiety on Foreign Language Autonomous Learning : case study of sophomore students of English at Mohamed Cherif Messaadia Universiy of Souk-Ahras

by Saaidia, Bachir | MEZGHICHE, Kamar .

Publication: 2021Description: Availability: Items available for loan: مكتبة الآداب واللغاتCall number: MEG/001/1/03/001 (1).
