Le Moyen Age (Record no. 30142)

MARC details
000 -Record Label
fixed length control field 00910nam0a22003011i 4500
010 ## - International Standard Book Number (ISBN)
Number (ISBN) 2253056626
100 ## - General Processing Data
General Processing Data 20240205 frey50
101 0# - Language of the Resource
Language of Text, Soundtrack etc. French
102 ## - Country of Publication or Production
Locality (ISO) FR
200 1# - Title and Statement of Responsibility
Title Proper Le Moyen Age
205 ## - Edition Statement
Edition Statement Ed. entièrement revue et mise à jour / sous la dir. de Geneviève Hasenohr,... et Michel Zink,...
210 ## - Publication, Distribution, etc.
Name of Publisher, Distributor, etc. [Librairie générale française]
Place of Publication, Distribution, etc. [Paris]
Date of Publication, Distribution, etc. 1992
215 ## - Physical Description
Materials and Technique display Livre
Specific Material Designation and Extent of Item LXI-1506 p.
Other Physical Details couv. ill. en coul.
Dimensions 19 cm.
225 1# - Series
Series Title La pochothèque
225 1# - Series
Series Title Encyclopedies d'aujourd'hui
606 ## - Topical Name Used as Subject
Entry Element Littérature française : Avant 1500 : Dictionnaires
676 ## - Dewey Decimal Classification
Number 820
700 0# - Personal Name - Primary Responsibility
Entry Element Zink, Michel
Relator Code Publishing director
702 0# - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Bossuat, Robert
Relator Code Editor
702 0# - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Pichard, Louis
Relator Code Editor
702 0# - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Raynaud de Lage, Guy
Relator Code Editor
702 0# - Personal Name - Secondary Responsibility
Entry Element Hasenohr, Geneviéve
Relator Code Publishing director
801 #0 - Originating Source
Agency FR-751131015
852 ## - Location and Call Number
Call Number DIC/001/6/01
Koha item type Books
950 ## -
-- 1
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Books DIC/001/6/01/001   2024-02-05     2024-02-05   مكتبة الآداب واللغات مكتبة الآداب واللغات LLL/DIC/001/6/01/001